Happy Halloween! Don't eat to much candy and get a tummy ache. LOL! Before heading home from work I picked up pizza, candy, sodas and honey roasted peanuts. Much to my surprise the Tombstone pizza were on sale for $3.00 each. I used a digital coupon and got 1 pizza FREE. So for 3 Tombstone pizzas I paid $4.80. That's a great deal because they are normally $4.75 each. The Reese's Peanut Butter Cups had a $1.00 reward coupon because I bought more than 4. The cokes and peanuts were basically fillers to get the total above $15.00 which it did. Then I used a store coupon $3.00 off $15.00 I received from taking a store survey. So 13 items for total for $12.00 now that makes me happy. Side note if it wasn't Halloween I wouldn't have bought that much candy or junk food. Happy Trick-Or-Treating!!
I picked up some Luvs diapers on Thursday on my way home from work. They are on sale for $6.95 this week. I used a $2.00 off coupon making them $4.95 + tax. I haven't seen diapers this cheap in a while so it's a good time to stock up. To print your coupons click here and look for the Luvs diaper coupon. You can print coupons twice from a computer or device. (print the coupon once then go back find the coupon and print again, each coupon will have different numbers).
Over the last several years I have tried to eliminate as many chemicals from my house as possible. Some of the items I use are already in your kitchen or bathroom. I still use dish soap and dishwasher soap but hopefully soon I can afford to buy some that is bio-compatible soap for kitchen & laundry use. Bio-compatible is different from bio-degradable, it turns into food for plants and trees. Bio-degradable still contains salts which will build up in the soil. I want to be able to use our grey water to water trees and more around my house. Until then I'm sticking with using the following:
Distilled White Vinegar- I use this to clean windows, in the dishwasher and washing machine (which helps to remove soap from clothing), to clean our coffee pot, for wiping counters and more. Hydrogen Peroxide- I use this in my dishwasher and washing machines to help disinfect them. A small amount can be added to whites but don't use on colors or dark colored clothes. Bleach- This is used to disinfect any wipe-able surface, most often used in the kitchen, bathroom and laundry. Be sure to dilute it. A cap-full bleach to 2 gallons of water. Other cleaners used on occasion- Comet or Ajax- to scrub out yucky sinks. SOS pads- these have saved me so much time cleaning my stove top. I hadn't used them in quite some time and after several frustrating attempts to clean my stove I thought there has to be an easier way to do this. Yes SOS pads came to mind and I'm so happy they work so well. Dish soap- for the obvious use but it can help take a greasy spot off clothes. Can be used in a garden for pest control but I have never done that. I try to stay away from acid type cleaners such as some toilet bowl cleaners because they are not good for our septic system. If you have concerns about your cleaners you can check out the Environmental Working Group they have a wealth of information about all kinds of products. www.ewg.org. Using things that have multiple purposes saves money as well. I hope this information helps. :) They are happy and loving life right now, they can run around in a bigger area and they are out of our house. Those little things sure can make a mess so we were ready for them to go outside. They have a little house and a heat lamp ready to go for tonight. Praying all goes well and its not to cold for them. It would make me sad if I lost a chick. Yes my chickens are spoiled I can't help it so is our dog & cat. :) |
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AuthorHello I'm Michele & I'm the matriarch of the Leverone Family Farm. I'm a wife, a mother of 2 grown/married sons and have 4 adorable grand kids. Thrifty for more than 30 years. I love gardening, cooking and saving money. Archives
November 2021